There are several. Here are the main ones in chronological order:
Before I was born:
in November 1959, my Grandpa Ed died of a heart attack at the age of 48, leaving my dad and my Grandma Minnie shocked by his passing.
in February 1960, my Aunt Betty and her two children, Darrell (5) and Dianna (2), were murdered in their home while asleep by her husband, leaving my dad and my Grandma Minnie even more shocked and deep in regretful grief.
in August 1967, my dad married my mom and in May 1972, I was born and became Lori Ann Jager. Residual grief was imprinted upon my soul.
on April 12, 1988, I read these words on a banner "I am the way, the truth, and the life." at the John Wesley White Crusade
in May 1990, I moved out of my childhood home to Sioux Falls, SD.
in January 1991, I met Dr. James L. Howitz who was influential in my career choice and was imperative to my career success
on August 10, 1992, I married Todd Keleher and became Lori Ann Keleher.
on July 19, 1993, I gave birth to Jessica Elizabeth, the first of my four greatest blessings!
in December 1994, I graduated from Huron University with a B.Ed. in math & science.
in August 1995, I began working as math teacher in the Wessington School District.
in August 1998, I began working as a math teacheri n the Wolsey School District.
on January 1, 1999, I read these words on a website "I am mind and am good." from the William W Walter Foundation
on August 10, 2001, I gave birth to Jemma Ann, the second of my four greatest blessings!
in 2003, I earned National Board Certification as awarded by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.
in June 2005, I fell in love with Roger Fritzsche, which eventually led to a divorce.
in August 2009, I began working as a math & science teacher at Huron Middle School
in 2009, I received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
on June 14, 2011, I gave birth to Raya Kaye & Lily Beth, the last of my four greatest blessings!
in August 2011, I began working as a mathe & science teacher at Huron High School
in 2015, Transform Your Classroom was born.
in 2020, Transform Your World was born.
in May 2022, I agreed to return to the Wolsey-Wessington School District and fell in love with Tom Rice...

on , I married Tom Rice and became Lori Ann Rice.
in May 2026, I graduated from Waldorf University with a M.Ed. in Social & Emotional Learning