We can exist ... or ... We can live!
I was recently introduced to the concept of a Do-Over World. In this experience of reality, we try to keep everything the same from day to day and essentially live our lives doing the same thing over and over. We are passive, an observer in our own life. Sleep. Eat breakfast. Work. Eat lunch. Work. Go home. Eat Dinner. Sleep. Day after Day after Day. And when there is no work to do, we either sleep more or distract ourselves with television, social media, video games, and the like. Our sleep is restless and we use it to escape our reality. Our thoughts run amuck. We numb our emotions. It can be called the world of the living dead. Appearing to live on the outside, but dead on the inside. Throughout this routine, we are driven by the fuel of "not enough so get more". More money. Nicer car. Bigger house. Better job. More stuff. We strive to keep our routine and the stuff we have accumulated intact. We fight against anything that may disrupt it. Habits and routines dictate our day. We resist change. This is what I call existing.
At the same time I learned about the Do-Over World, I learned about the Ascending World. In this experience of reality, we actively engage in our own unfoldment. We are not on the sidelines observing, but are in the arena! We are becoming our best selves. We are living our best lives. We still need to sleep and to eat, but these do not consume the majority of our time. Our sleep is peaceful and restful. Our eating is slow and deliberate. We may enjoy television, social media, video games, and the like but we are intentional about what we watch and conscious of what we consume. We spend as much time creating as we do consuming. We imagine. We choose our thoughts. We feel all of our emotions - joyful or painful, we let them flow. We may still have structure to our day, but we recognize the multitude of choices we have within that structure and actively make choices that lead to our own happiness, health, wealth, and freedom to live a life in which we can create our own day every single day. No longer bound by meaningless jobs to earn a paycheck, our work contributes to the well-being of ourselves, others, and life. No longer driven by material accumulation to prove our worth, we get in touch with nature and live harmoniously with all. This is what I call living.
I am currently operating on the continuum towards the ascending world and farther from the do-over world. It is not that one is better than the other. It is not that I am better than you. (I assure you, we are all equal!) It is simply a choice I have made in how I want to experience my dash.
Lori Jager-Keleher (May 17, 1972 - ?)